Vulnerability Management

Think & Click

Malomatia is highly specialised in proactively detecting and fixing potential weaknesses in an organization's network security.

What is vulnerability management?

Vulnerability management processes employ the use of vulnerability scanners, vulnerability databases, manual or automated vulnerability testing, and other tools. This combination of tools and processes helps teams ensure that all threats are accounted for such as:

  • Vulnerabilities in code, such as SQL injection or cross site-scripting (XSS) opportunities
  • Insufficient authentication and authorization mechanisms
  • Insecure or misconfigured settings, such as weak access controls or passwords

What is vulnerability management?

Vulnerabilities provide openings for attackers to enter your systems. Once inside, they can abuse resources, steal data, or deny access to services. If you do not identify and patch vulnerabilities, you are essentially leaving the doors and windows open for attackers to enter your network.

Vulnerability management programs provide structured guidelines to help you evaluate and secure your network. Rather than ignoring vulnerabilities or taking the risk of vulnerabilities being overlooked, this process can help you conduct a thorough search.

Vulnerability management strategies can help you ensure that vulnerabilities in your system have the shortest possible life span. It can also provide proof of your due diligence in case your network is compromised despite your efforts.

The 4 stages of vulnerability management

Vulnerability management follows these four stages, typically performed by a combination of human and technological resources:

  • Identifying vulnerabilities
  • Evaluating vulnerabilities
  • Remediating vulnerabilities
  • Reporting vulnerabilities

By building these stages into your management process, you help ensure that no vulnerabilities are overlooked. You also help ensure that discovered vulnerabilities are addressed appropriately.

Identify vulnerabilities

The first stage of the management process requires identifying which vulnerabilities might affect your systems. Once you know which vulnerabilities or vulnerability types you are looking for, you can begin identifying which ones exist.

Remediating vulnerabilities

With a prioritized vulnerability management plan in place, you can begin your remediation efforts. Increase monitoring or reduce access to areas identified as at-risk. This can help prevent successful exploitation of vulnerabilities until one can apply patches or permanently increase protections to those areas.

Evaluating vulnerabilities

After you have identified all possible vulnerabilities in your system, you can begin evaluating the severity of the threats. Vulnerability assessment data enriched with malomatia’s Cyber threat intelligence feeds, helps contextualizing and prioritizing required patches. This evaluation helps you prioritize your security efforts and can help reduce your risks more quickly.

Reporting vulnerabilities

Having a record of vulnerabilities and when those issues were fixed shows accountability for security and is required for many compliance standards. It can also be useful when investigating future events.

Using vulnerability management data with a next-generation SIEM

malomatia employs vulnerability management log data within security and network logs which is evaluated in a next generation SIEM.

At malomatia we use the below functionalities to analyze and enrich data from vulnerability management tools:

Advanced analytics

By utilizing behavioral analytics, we are able to identify anomalous behavior that might indicate an attack, and correlate with appropriate threat analytics data to identify the type and source of the attack.

Cloud connectors

A number of popular cloud-based vulnerability management solutions can be used to easily collect data in a secure on-premises/private cloud landscape

Smart forensic analysis

Relevant information can be collected across multiple users, IP addresses, and IT systems, combining it with threat intelligence data, and laying it out on an incident timeline

Incident response automation

Data is gathered data from hundreds of tools, automatically identifying incidents, cross-referencing them with threat intelligence data, and even automatically orchestrating containment and mitigation steps.

Threat hunting

Using threat intelligence data combined with free exploration of internal security data to identify new and unknown threats that might be affecting your organization

Looking for Application Management?

malomatia is a leading provider of various application services using various trusted technologies and solutions.

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