malomatia supports Mada in the establishment of new Project Management office (PMO)
malomatia, Qatar’s leading IT service company, is supporting Mada’s efforts to set up a dedicated Project Management Office (PMO) to help deliver the many programs and initiatives that are part of its role within the community.
With the development of a more effective project management based approach to managing its projects, Mada is able to set unique sets of key performance indicators for each project and chart the full lifecycle of its initiatives to better serve its stakeholders.
The Project Management Office (PMO) will managing complex IT projects and programs, especially those requiring the deployment of cross-functional, multi-disciplined resources as part of an overall mandate.
malomatia is providing Mada with the resources, tools and processes to create a fully functional PMO. As part of the efforts, malomatia recently concluded a special Project Management Training Program for Mada’s consultants, including department heads and project managers to ensure the utilization of fundamental project management principles to ensure successful delivery of Mada’s projects
Certified trainer and Senior Consultant, Project Management, at malomatia, Mr Ala Yasin Abuhejleh, led the training session which is built on the principles prescribed by the Project Management Institute, the world’s leading authority for training project management professionals.
The newly established PMO serves Mada’s objective of connecting people with disabilities to the world of information and communication technology. Mada’s various teams work closely with disabled people, caregivers, and professionals by providing expert advice and assessment on a wide variety of Assistive Technologies that cater to persons with physical, hearing, visual, and learning disabilities.