
غرفة الأخبار

April 7, 2012

malomatia offers HMC Implementation Consultancy for RIS/PACS Solution

Doha, Qatar (April 5, 2012): Leading Qatari Technology Solutions Provider, malomatia, has offered the nation’s premier non-profit healthcare provider Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) Implementation Consultants in the field of RIS (Radiology Information System) and PACS (Picture Archiving Communication System). RIS and PACS offer an innovative digital imaging solution throughout HMC that provide information, reports, and images electronically without the use of film. This system enables HMC’s departments to access digital diagnostic images and reports from multiple locations reliably and consistently―Enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of imaging, greatly benefiting both patients and healthcare professionals.

Congratulating HMC on the implementation of the RIS/PACS project, company’s official spokesperson Hussain Salatt, Manager, Marketing & Alliances said, “malomatia is pleased to have offered its highly specialized domain expertise to assist HMC in executing this milestone project that will transform healthcare in Qatar…Committed to support the realization of National Vision 2030 that seeks to improve the health of Qatar’s population, aspiring to develop an integrated system for healthcare, managed according to world-class standards, malomatia is always keen to bolster its customers’ efforts in this direction,” added Salatt.

Speaking about the company’s engagement, Gerry McCarthy, Director, Healthcare Business Unit, malomatia informed, “the goal of the project was to optimize the work flow within HMC Radiology Department by implementing RIS and PACS that provides a complete film-less environment.

HMC is redefining the efficiency of diagnostic cycle, streamline workflows, and provide timely and high-quality patient care… malomatia team worked very closely with HMC teams. We provided support at all the project stages. Our contribution included planning implementation, conducting users testing, developing procedures and policies, validating technical solution, and assisting in user adaption for new technology. Our overall relation has reflected a true partnership between HMC and malomatia ” added.;

“It is indeed a well-known fact that technology is playing a crucial role in transforming clinical and patient care services in the Healthcare sector today. malomatia’s local team of highly qualified Implementation Consultants are supporting Qatar’s emerging IT healthcare needs as demonstrated in this project,” concluded McCarthy.

malomatia offers HMC Implementation Consultancy for RIS/PACS Solution

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