malomatia congratulates the leadership, government and People on National Day
On the occasion of Qatar National Day, 18th of December and in rememberance if the historic day of 1878 when Sheikh Jassim Bin Mahammed Bin Thani, founder of the State of Qatar, set up the pillars of the modern state of Qatar, the Chairman, Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer and all employees of malomatia extend their heartfelt congratulations and greetings to His Highness Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar and His Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thank, Father Emir and to all the honorable people of Qatar.
We hope for more return of this memorable occasion and whish that Qatar always enjoys security, welfare and prosperity under the wise leadership of His Highness The Emir.
And on this occasion, malomatia, as a national Qatari company, and a leader in IT Services and Solutions, asserts in fulfilling its commitments to achieve its objectives and contributes to the success of Qatar to be an advanced State in the IT field at all industries.