Project Overview & Client Requirements |
The General Authority of Customs (GAC) required a comprehensive enterprise architecture (EA) solution to streamline their business processes and align them with strategic objectives. The Planning and Quality and Innovation Department specifically needed a robust framework to effectively capture and document their business processes. |
Provided Solutions |
Provided Solutions Providing iServer: malomatia delivered the powerful Orbus iServer software to GAC. This top-class EA repository software allowed GAC staff to access the EA components seamlessly through a custom and user-friendly portal, providing them with timely and precise insights. iServer provided GAC with a holistic view of their business and IT architectures, streamline business processes, and thus making informed decisions. Building the EA Office: malomatia’s consultancy services were crucial in establishing a dedicated EA office at GAC. This office was staffed by GAC who were trained by malomatia and was responsible for capturing and documenting all components of GAC’s business layers, from strategic pillars to the smallest components. The EA office provided a comprehensive overview of the organization’s architecture, adhering to the Government Enterprise Architecture Framework. This facilitated a deeper understanding of the relationships between different EA components, particularly benefiting both IT and the Planning and Quality and Innovation departments.
Achieved Results |
The collaboration with malomatia resulted in: